Press and Rewards

Minnesota Plymouth Magazine - " Oh La La" written by Mollee Francisco - Photos by Chris Emeott

Beautiful Crepe and cake - inspired creation by Mélanie!

French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn

The "Crepe lady" on Channel 12 TV!

French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn
French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn
Plymouth magazine Crepe and Cake

Lovely drawing from a little fan!

French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn

Article in Plymouth journal:

French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn

Article in Excelsior journal:

French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn

Article in Maple Grove journal:

French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn

Article in Plymouth journal:

French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn

Crepe lady's Kids are the best fans!

French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn
French Crepe and Cake chocolate mn
French online store Crepe and Cake chocolate mn
French online store